Chane Kampanatsanyakorn vs. Suzuki Takota

Dec 17, 2013

With the board showing [7h5c3d8d] on the turn, Suzuki Takota (UTG+1) checks, Chane Kampanatsanyakorn bets 27,000, and Takota calls.

The river is the [Jd], and Takota checks. Kampanatsanyakorn asks to see Takota’s stack to see how much is left — it’s a little more than 60,000. Kampanatsanyakorn bets 50,000, and Takota quickly folds. Kampanatsanyakorn takes the pot.

Chane Kampanatsanyakorn  –  240,000  (60 bb)
Suzuki Takota  –  61,500  (15 bb)

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