Champion vs. Champion

May 20, 2012

Season X Five Diamond World Poker Classic Champ James Dempsey raises to 1,500 from middle position and Season X WPT Slovenia winner Miha Travnik calls from the big blind.

The flop comes [Jc4h2d] and Travnik checks. Dempsey bets 2,400 and Travnik calls. The turn brings the [9s] and Travnik check-calls a bet of 6,000 from Travnik. The river is the [5c] and Travnik checks a third time. Dempsey bets 13,300, leaving just under 15,000 behind.  Travnik calls.

Dempsey turns over [KdJh] for top pair, king kicker, but Travnik has him beat with [AsJs] to take the pot.

Miha Travnik – 120,000
James Dempsey – 15,000 

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