Chad Stewart Takes Most of It From Ran Yi, Grant Ellis Gets the Rest

May 13, 2024

Chad Stewart is all in for 29,100 from early position and up against Ran Yi on the button.

Chad Stewart: Heart ASpade K
Ran Yi: Heart 9Club 9

Yi remains in the lead going to the river on a board of Club JSpade 8Diamond 6Heart 8, but Stewart spikes the Heart K to make two pair and double up.

Left with just 8,000, Yi is all in the next hand against Grant Ellis.

Ran Yi: Spade AClub 5
Grant Ellis: Heart ASpade Q

The Spade 10Spade 7Diamond 6Club 10Club 8 board provides no help to Yi and he is sent to the rail.

Grant Ellis- 100,000 (83 bb)
Chad Stewart- 60,000 (50 bb)
Ran Yi- eliminated

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