Chad Awerbuch Eliminated After Flopping a Set of Jacks and a Straight

Mar 3, 2023

Chad Awerbuch passed along the two hands that led to his elimination — hands where he flopped a set of jacks and flopped a straight.

In the first hand, a player raised under the gun, Chad Awerbuch called from middle position, the cutoff called, and the button called.

The flop came X JX 10X 5, and the UTG player bet 5,000. Awerbuch raised to 13,500, the cutoff called, and the button and the UTG player both folded.

The turn card was a X 9, Awerbuch checked, the cutoff bet 12,700, and Awerbuch called.

The river card was an X A, Awerbuch checked, the cutoff moved all in for 35,000, and Awerbuch tanked for a while before he folded X JX J face up for a set of jacks.

It turned out to be a good read, because the cutoff showed X KX Q for a straight as he took the pot.

Chad Awerbuch  –  31,000

A few hands later, a handful of players limped before the big blind raised, and everyone called.

The flop came X 9X 8X 7 rainbow, and it checked to a player in middle position, who bet 5,000. The hijack called, and Awerbuch moved all in for 31,000. The middle-position player and the hijack also got it all in, while the others folded.

Chad Awerbuch:  Club 6Club 5  (nine-high straight)
Middle Position:  X JX 9  (pair of nines, gutshot straight draw)
Hijack:  X JX 5  (gutshot straight draw)

Awerbuch needed his hand to hold to stay alive, but the turn card was a X 10, giving both of his opponents jack-high straights. Awerbuch was drawing dead, and his opponents chopped the pot to eliminate Awerbuch.

Chad Awerbuch  –  Eliminated

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