Chad Awerbuch Doubles Up And More

Apr 20, 2024

Cutoff Chad Awerbuch opens 2,500, button Ehsan Amiri calls, David Bowen defends the big blind. On the flop Heart QDiamond JDiamond 7, Awerbuch c-bets 4,800, Amiri calls, Bowen check-raises 12,500, Awerbuch answers with a shove of 33,700. Amiri folds, Bowen calls. 

Chad Awerbuch Club QSpade 7
David Bowen Diamond 4Diamond 5

The turn and river Heart 5Spade Q keep Awerbuch ahead to double up and more. 

Chad Awerbuch – 75,500 (63 bb)
Ehsan Amiri – 55,300 (46 bb)
David Bowen – 30,000 (25 bb)

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