Caza Survives With Aces, Bubble Continues

Feb 23, 2014

Marco Caza raises to 24,000 from middle position and it folds around to Steve Tripp in the small blind who reraises to 69,000. Mike Leah considers for a while in the big blind before folding, and when Caza reraises all in with the 50,000 he has left behind, Tripp calls quickly.

Tripp has [Ac][7c], then expresses a little surprise at the sight of Caza’s hand — [Ah][As]. "I had a blocker," says a smiling Tripp.

The flop then brings two clubs, coming [Kc][10h][2c], and Caza is suddenly needing to fade a third club arriving in order to survive. The turn is the [4s] and river the [Js], and Caza keeps his seat.

"You know we were all pulling for him, right?" says Mauro Cotechini to Caza with a grin, and Caza laughs saying he understands.

Hand-for-hand play continues.

Steve Tripp – 356,000
Marco Caza – 160,000 

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