Cautious Play from Farukh Tach and Joep van den Bijgaart

Feb 23, 2020

Under the gun, Farukh Tach raises to 160,000 with the Heart ADiamond Q and Joep van den Bijgaart flats from the hijack with Spade 9Club 9.

The flop falls Diamond 7Club JHeart 7 and Tach continues for 120,000. Van den Bijgaart calls again.

They continue to the Spade 8 turn and Tach slows down, checking. Van den Bijgaart checks as well.

The Club 7 completes the board and van Bijgaart takes it down as both players tap the felt.

Joep van den Bijgaart – 4,000,000
Farukh Tach – 1,900,000

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