Carlotta Ceccatelli Gets Fold from Joshua Frazer-James

May 16, 2024

Carlotta Ceccatelli opens to 20,000 from the button and is three-bet by Joshua Frazer-James in the small blind to 75,000. Ceccatelli makes the call and the two players go to a flop of Diamond QHeart QSpade J, which sees a bet of 30,000 and a check-call from Frazer-James.

On the turn Club 3, Frazer-James checks again and Ceccatelli fires for 60,000, this time producing a fold from her opponent, who shows Spade AClub K.

Carlotta Ceccatelli – 460,000 (46 bb)
Joshua Frazer-James – 670,000 (67 bb)

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