Carla Solinas Eliminated in 15th Place (€11,900)

Dec 20, 2013

IMG_0813 Roger Hairabedian opens to 25,000, in the hijack, and when the action folds to Carla Solinas, in the small blind, she moves all-in for 114,000 and Hairabedian makes the call.


Solinas: [Ah] [Ac]
Hairabedian: [5h] [5s]

So Hairabedian is going to need some luck if he is going to eliminate Solinas.

Flop: [9d] [7d] [6d]

Nobody has any diamonds, but the flop has given Hairabedian an gut shot straight draw.

Turn: [8c]

Hairabedian hits his straight and Piotr Pietrzak starts laughing inappropriately.

"What are you laughing at?" Admonishes Hairabedian.

River: [2c]

A sullen Solinas leaves the contest and Hairabedian is up to 630,000.

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