Carl Froch Knocked Out

Oct 29, 2016

Carl FrochFormer heavyweight champion of the world and British sporting legend Carl Froch has busted the Day 1f flight after raising to 4,000 pre-flop and being in a blind-vs-blind battle against the small blind player. The flop of Club 3Heart 4Diamond 6 fell and Froch moved all-in with Diamond ADiamond K and was called by the small blind with Club 7Spade 5.

“I did’t put him on calling with that pre-flop and I had over cards. I was really shocked he’d flopped the straight – what are the chances of that?!” Froch reasonably asked.

While the heavyweight weighs up whether to reinvest in another entry or not, he’s keen to show support for the Ladies Event.

“It’s a great idea and it should be at every tournament. It’s had a really good turn out.”

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