Bryan Robitaille-Fequet's Sevens Good against Zaid Attar

May 12, 2024

Bryan Robitaille-FequetPhoto: Bryan Robitaille-Fequet

After an open from Bryan Robitaille-Fequet, Zaid Attar three-bet to 9,000 from the small blind, which Robitaille-Fequet called.

On the flop Club 5Heart JSpade 6, Attar continues for 4,000 and Robitaille-Fequet calls to see the turn Club 9

Attar fires again for 12,000, and again Robitaille-Fequet calls to see the Spade 10 appear on the river. Attar then decides to slow down and check, and after some time, Robitaille-Fequet checks back.

Attar then tables Club AClub 4 for just ace-high and Robitaille-Fequet rolls over the winning hand with Spade 7Club 7

Bryan Robitaille-Fequet – 76,000 (76 bb)
Zaid Attar – 79,000 (79 bb)

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