Bryan Piccioli Eliminated by Paul Kuzmich and Kristina Holst

May 3, 2018

Bryan Piccioli is all in from under the gun for roughly 24,000, Kristina Holst is all in from the small blind for about 49,000, and Paul Kuzmich has them both covered in the big blind.

Piccioli: Heart 9Club 9
Holst: Diamond ADiamond K
Kuzmich: Spade ASpade K

The board comes down Club AClub 10Spade 5Club KHeart 7, giving Holst and Kuzmich aces and kings to chop the pot and eliminate Piccioli.

Paul Kuzmich – 160,000
Kristina Holst – 62,000
Bryan Piccioli – Eliminated

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