Bryan Piccioli Doubles Through Tom Marchese

May 21, 2018

Tom Marchese opens to 5,300 from middle position and Markus Durnegger calls in the cutoff before Bryan Piccioli three-bets to 25,500 from the small blind.

With the action back on Marchese, he moves all in for roughly 220,000 and Durnegger quickly folds.

Piccioli pauses for a moment, and then calls all-in for his 153,700 total.

Piccioli: Spade QDiamond Q
Marchese: Club ASpade K

With Piccioli at risk but ahead, the Club 8Club 3Club 9 now saw him needing to fade clubs as well as over cards.

Fortunately for him, the turn and river land the Diamond J and Heart 5, and Piccioli doubles through to over 300,000.

Bryan Piccioli – 317,900
Tom Marchese – 75,000

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