Brian Scott Cracks Josh Reichard's Kings to Double-Up

Apr 22, 2024

Brian ScottPhoto: Brian Scott

Brian Scott moves all-in for 425,000 from middle position and Josh Reichard reraises to 850,000 from the small blind. Jerry Humphrey folds the big blind and the cards are face-up.

Scott: Diamond ASpade J
Reichard: Heart KDiamond K

Scott would not have to wait long, as the ace shows up immediately on a final board reading Club AHeart QDiamond JHeart 9Diamond 6, sending Reichard’s kings down in flames and securing Scott the double-up.

Brian Scott – 875,000 (17 bb)
Reichard – 3,100,000 (62 bb)
Jerry Humphrey – 2,700,000 (54 bb)

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