Brian Bangunan Eliminated in 59th Place by Paul Kuzmich

Feb 26, 2018

Brian Bangunan

Tim Anders raises to 10,000 from the cutoff, Mark Briggs calls from the button, Brian Bangunan (pictured) calls from the small blind, and Paul Kuzmich calls from the big blind.

The flop comes Spade 8Club 6Spade 4, Bangunan shoves for 22,000, Kuzmich calls, Anders calls, and Briggs folds.

The turn is the Club 7, and both players check.

The river is the Spade 7, Kuzmich shoves, and Anders folds.

Kuzmich shows Spade ASpade 3 for an ace-high flush, besting Bangunan’s Heart 10Heart 8 to win the pot and score the elimination.

Paul Kuzmich – 290,000 (73 bb)
Brian Bangunan – Eliminated in 59th Place ($16,640)

Other recent eliminations include Saya Ono (61st – $16,640) and Ben Keeline (60th – $16,640).

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