Brett Feder Eliminated in 13th Place (C$29,072)

Feb 12, 2018

Brett Feder

The action folds to Brett Feder (pictured) in the small blind and he raises to 65,000. Daniel Wagner defends his big as the flop lands Heart QDiamond 6Diamond A.

Feder continues for 110,000, and Wagner calls as the turn falls the Club 6.

Feder bets out 150,000 and Wagner calls as the river of the Diamond 9 completes the board.

Feder announces he is all in for roughly 410,000, and Wagner snap-calls.

Feder tables his Diamond QDiamond J for a flush, but it would be Wagner’s Diamond KDiamond 5 for a bigger flush that would end Feder’s day.

Daniel Wagner – 2,290,000
Brett Feder – Eliminated in 13th place

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