Brady Hinnegan vs. Thomas Lefort

Nov 14, 2017

Brady Hinnegan raises from the hijack, Thomas Lefort reraises from the small blind to 100,000, and Hinnegan calls. The flop comes Heart JClub 5Diamond 3, Lefort bets 75,000, and Hinnegan calls.

The turn card is the Heart 7, Lefort bets 125,000, and Hinnegan calls. The river card is the Heart 8, and both players check.

Lefort shows Spade AClub 10 for ace high, but Hinnegan turns over Club AClub J to win the pot with a pair of jacks.

Brady Hinnegan  –  1,100,000  (92 bb)
Thomas Lefort  –  320,000  (27 bb)

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