Bradley St. Vincent Doubles Thru Matthew Wantman; Keith Morrow Folds Queens Preflop

Feb 4, 2016

Bradley St. Vincent

Matthew Wantman raises under the gun to 110,000, Keith Morrow calls from the hijack, and Bradley St. Vincent (pictured) moves all in from the button for 560,000. Wantman calls, and Morrow says, “I had a feeling.”

Morrow (in seat 8) shows his cards to James Hughes (in seat 9) as he folds, and Hughes clearly reacts with surprise that the entire table can see. St. Vincent asks to see the cards, and after a brief discussion, a floorperson sets aside Morrow’s cards next to the muck to be revealed at the end of the hand.

St. Vincent shows Heart AClub A, and Wantman turns over Spade 9Heart 9. St. Vincent needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond QHeart 4Heart 2Club 8Diamond A, and St. Vincent wins the pot with a rivered set of aces to double up in chips.

Bradley St. Vincent  –  1,345,000  (27 bb)
Matthew Wantman  –  530,000  (11 bb)

Morrow’s cards are flipped over to reveal that he folded Spade QClub Q — he would have flopped a set, but lost to a higher set on the river.

Keith Morrow  –  4,100,000  (82 bb)

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