Bradley Smith Eliminated by Omid Shahbazian

May 13, 2024

Louis-Frederick Garneau opens to 6,000 UTG and then Bradley Smith moves all in for 24,000. Action folds around to Omid Shahbazian in the small blind who then shoves over the top for much more, forcing a fold from Garneau, isolating Smith.

Smith: Diamond 8Spade 8
Shahbazian: Diamond ADiamond Q

Smith is ahead to start this race, but the runout of Spade KClub 7Diamond 3Club ADiamond 6 gives Shahbazian an ace on the turn and he is sent to the rail after wishing the table good luck. 

Omid Shahbazian – 105,500 (42 bb)
Bradley Smith – Eliminated 

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