Brad Albrinck Eliminated by Filipp Khavin; Khavin Up to 480K

Jan 21, 2018

Filipp Khavin
Photo:  Filipp Khavin

In the last hand before the break, Brad Albrinck raises from the cutoff to 6,000, Filipp Khavin reraises from the small blind to 23,000, and Albrinck calls.

The flop comes Heart AClub KSpade 6, Khavin bets 21,000, and Albrinck calls. The turn card is the Club 5, Khavin bets 48,000, and Albrinck calls.

The river card is the Diamond K, and Khavin moves all in for about 167,000. Albrinck goes into the tank for a very long time, into the break, before he calls all in for about 135,000 with Heart 6Club 6 for a full house, sixes full of kings.

But Khavin turns over Spade ASpade K to win the pot with a higher full house, kings full of aces, eliminating Albrinck from the tournament.

Filipp Khavin  –  479,500  (160 bb)
Brad Albrinck  –  Eliminated

At the break, Filipp Khavin is just one small blind away from chipleader Joey Weissman.

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