Boyan Shi Gets Max Value from Michael Khan

May 18, 2024

Boyan ShiPhoto: Boyan Shi

In a four-bet pot, the board reads Spade 3Spade KDiamond 6 when Boyan Shi leads for 22,000 and Michael Khan makes the call. 

On the turn Heart 7, Shi cuts out a bet of 80,000- enough to cover Khan, who then goes into the tank. 

After staring down Shi for almost two minutes, Khan sets out a stack to make the call and flips over Club 10Diamond 10, but is quickly shown Diamond AClub K by Shi for top pair. 

Only a ten on the river will save Khan, but its the brick Diamond 5 to send him to the rail while Shi adds to his growing stack. 

Boyan Shi – 280,000 (350 bb)
Michael Khan – Eliminated

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