Sam Greenwood makes it 2,150 to go with Diamond 3Club 6 and Alexandra Botez calls with the Club 4Diamond 4. While the Spade QSpade 4Spade 5 flop has something for both, it goes check check and the Club 10 on the turn is seen for free. Again both players check and the Diamond 2 completes the board. Botez overbets for 5,117 and Greenwood raises his rivered straight to 19,651. Botez calls with her flopped set but mucks upon being shown the straight.

The next hand, Botez limps with Heart KHeart 7 with blinds having gone up. Greenwood checks his Club 9Spade 10. Greenwood checks on Heart 8Club 2Spade Q and Botez bets 1,584. Greenwood calls. The Heart J hits the turn and Greenwood checks again. Botez, now with the flush draw, bets 3,675 and she calls Greenwood’s raise to 14,009. The river is the Club 10 and Greenwood bets 11,195. Botez contemplates her options for just a bit before she folds.

Sam Greenwood: 138,700
Alexandra Botez: 61,300

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