
Alexandra Botez opens to 3,000 with Spade 10Spade 3 on blinds of 600/1,200 and Sam Greenwood defends his big blind, holding Spade 5Diamond 4. The Spade 6Diamond 5Spade 2 gives something to both players, Greenwood checks his pair of nickels and Botez bets 3,960.

Greenwood calls and the Heart J lands on the turn. Botez bets 11,414 after seeing a check from the Canadian and Greenwood once more check-calls. The Heart Q river completes the board, Greenwood taps and Botez puts in 43,370, leaving herself with just two big blinds on a complete bluff. Greenwood lets go of the best hand and Botez pulls in another pot with air.

Alexandra Botez – 82,300
Sam Greenwood – 117,700

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