Botez Comes Out Swinging But Greenwood Delivers the Final Blow

Jun 20, 2021

greenwood one

Sam Greenwood opens from the button to 4,500 with Club AClub K on blinds of 1,000/2,000. Alexandra Botez looks down at Diamond KClub 6 and elects to shove her 42,884 stack into the middle. Greenwood snaps with his big slick and Botez is at risk of elimination.

Alexandra Botez: Diamond KClub 6
Sam Greenwood: Club AClub K

Botez looks down with concern at a Diamond 9Heart 7Club 4 flop and needs some help to keep this first match going. The Club 2 is not a card she wants to see and the Club 8 river seals the deal for Greenwood who adds insult to injury with his rivered flush. Botez drops the first match to Greenwood who now has a 1-0 lead.

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