Botez Bluff Raises, Greenwood Shoves

Jun 20, 2021

Schermafbeelding 2021-06-20 om 22.30.34

Alexandra Botez opens the action with a raise from the button, making it 4,000 to go with Spade QDiamond 8. Sam Greenwood finds Heart 6Diamond 6 and calls. The two check on Heart 4Club 3Spade 6 and it goes again check check on the Spade 10 turn. With the action tame so far, that all changes on the river as the Club 4 hits and Greenwood bets 6,400. Botez raises in position to 37,600 and Greenwood shoves. Botez Hollywoods for just a bit before she lays it down.

Sam Greenwood – 145,500
Alexandra Botez – 45,500

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