Bosco Li Cleans Out Chris Colaneri

Sep 20, 2024

From lojack Chris Colaneri opens 1300, cutoff Sosia Jiang calls, small blind Bosco Li three-bets 5800, Colaneri calls while Jiang folds. On the flop Diamond 9Spade KSpade 2, Li c-bets 5000, Colaneri calls for the turn Heart 4. Another 7,000 bet by Li, Colaneri shoves 32,900, Li assesses then makes the call to put Colaneri at risk. 

Chris Colaneri Spade 7Spade 8 flush draw
Bosco Li Diamond ASpade K top pair

The river Diamond 8 is not the out Colaneri was hoping for to lose all of his chips. 

Bosco Li – 110,000 (183 bb)
Chris Colaneri – Eliminated

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