Borislav Yosifov Knocks Out Tibor Balaz

Apr 13, 2024

Tibor Balaz moves all in from middle position for 13,000 and is called by Borislav Yosifov in the big blind, with Balaz at risk.

Tibor Balaz: Spade 10Spade 3
Borislav Yosifov: Club 7Spade 7

Balaz is in trouble with only one overcard versus Yosifov’s pair of sevens, but the Diamond 10Spade 9Diamond 6 flop puts Balaz into the lead with a pair of tens, while giving Yosifov a straight draw.

The Diamond JDiamond 8 turn and river give Yosifov the rivered straight, sending Balaz muttering to the rail.

Borislav Yosifov – 45,000 (28 bb)
Tibor Balaz – eliminated

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