Blake Purvis Earns Big Double Through Andrew Whitaker

Nov 18, 2013

Andrew Whitaker raises to 25,000 from the hijack seat and gets two callers in Ryan Eriquezzo (cutoff) and Blake Purvis (big blind).

The flop comes all hearts — [Ah][7h][5h] — and Purvis checks. Whitaker bets 40,000 and Eriquezzo calls, then Purvis check-raises to 125,000. At that Whitaker reraises to 240,000, forcing a fold from Eriquezzo. Purvis responds by pushing all in for about 465,000, and Whitaker calls.

Purvis turns over [Jh][6h] for a flopped flush while Whitaker has a set with [7d][7c]. The turn is the [9h] and river the [8d], meaning Purvis’s hand holds and he earns the big double through Whitaker to cross the million-chip mark.

Blake Purvis – 1,092,000
Andrew Whitaker – 565,000

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