Big Pot For Anthony Auvale's Full House

Sep 22, 2023

Anthony Auvale Photo:  Anthony Auvale

In the final hand before the break, the UTG player raises to 2,500, another player calls, Anthony Auvale calls from the button, and the small blind Po Hu three-bets it to 11,000. All three players call.

At the flop Diamond 7Spade 9Heart 7, Hu bets 12,000, the next two players fold, and Auvale calls. On the Diamond 9 turn, Hu checks, Auvale bets 23,000, and the small blind calls. On the Club J river, Auvale bets 40,000 and Hu folds. Auvale kindly shows one card — the Club 9 — for a full house.

Anthony Auvale – 217,400 (181 bb)
Po Hu – 91,000 (76 bb)

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