Berende Doubles Through Gherbi

Apr 18, 2018

Soufiane Gherbi opened to 5,000 from early position. The small blind called, as did Paul Berende in the big blind.

The flop came Heart 3Heart KClub J. It checked to Gherbi who continued for 8,000. The small blind called and Berende check-raised to 33,500. Gherbi called and after a tank, the big blind folded.

The turn was the Club 5 and Berende moved all in for 86,200. Gherbi called.

Paul Berende: Spade 3Diamond 3
Soufiane Gherbi: Club KClub Q

Gherbi held top pair and a flush draw, but was up against the set of Berende. The river was the Heart 8 and Berende doubled up.

Paul Berende – 260,000
Soufiane Gherbi – 70,000

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