Ben Keeline Eliminated by Robert Chusid

Jul 2, 2018

Ben Keeline announces he is all in for 53,000, and not realizing Keeline is all in, Joseph Hernon raises to 18,000.

The tournament director is called over and deems that Hernon can fold and sacrifice the 18,000, or call the 53,000 total. Hernon decides to call, and with the action on Robert Chusid in the small blind, he moves all in for 257,000. Eventually Hernon folds, and the cards are revealed.

Keeline: Club KSpade 10
Chusid: Club 8Spade 8

The board runs out Spade 2Diamond 9Spade 3Diamond 3Heart 8 and Chusid eliminates Keeline.

Robert Chusid – 385,000
Ben Keeline – Eliminated

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