Ben Cade Doubles Thru Antonio Silva with Aces vs. Kings

Nov 1, 2015

Antonio Silva raises under the gun to 17,000, Mark Lifman calls from the hijack, and Ben Cade reraises from the small blind to 41,000. Silva moves all in, Lifman folds, and Cade snap-calls with Heart ADiamond A. Silva turns over Heart KClub K, and Cade needs his aces to hold to stay alive. (Lifman shows the Heart 2Diamond 2 that he folded.)

The board comes Spade ASpade 8Diamond 4Heart 4Spade K — both players make a full house, but Cade wins the pot with his aces full to double up in chips.

Ben Cade  –  507,000  (63 bb)
Antonio Silva  –  85,000  (11 bb)

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