Basil Naicker Quadruples Up

Nov 23, 2019

Basil Naicker moves his short stack all in from middle position. The hijack calls as does Muaaz Gani from the cutoff. The big blind calls all in for less.

The flop comes Spade 10Spade 6Club 2, the hijack shoves and Gani folds leaving himself with 7,000.

They all turn over their hands and its Naicker’s Diamond 8Spade 8 in the lead. He’s up against the big blind’s Spade AHeart K and the hijack’s Spade KSpade J.

The board comes Club 7, Club 5, clean for Naicker.

Basil Naicker – 42,000
Muaaz Gani – 7,000

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