Bart Driessen Eliminated In 10th Place By Stephan Van Den Berg (€16,154)

Mar 31, 2023

Bart Driessen

Photo: 10th Place Finisher Bart Driessen (€16,154)

Stephan Van Den Berg moves all in for 1,060,000 in first position and in the small blind, Bart Driessen calls for 700,000 which sees Clyde Tjaw Foe fold in the big blind. 

Bart Driessen: Club ADiamond A

Stephan Van Den Berg: Heart AHeart 9

The flop of Heart 4Spade 3Heart J provided a flush draw to Van Den Berg as the entire field held its breath watching the hand play out. The turn of Spade 4 saw no change in the hand, but the river Heart 2 saw Van Den Berg make his flush and he screamed “Yes!” as the pot was pushed to him and Driessen became the 10th place finisher. 

The final 9 players are now redrawing for seats at the unofficial final table. 

Stephan Van Den Berg – 1,825,000 (24 bb)

Bart Driessen – Eliminated In 10th Place (€16,154)

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