Barry Woods' Stack Getting Healthier

Feb 27, 2012

Since returning from the emergency room, Woods not only looks to be feeling better, his stack is getting bigger as well.

Stephen Chidwick raises to 10,000 from middle position, the player in the small blind calls, and Barry Woods calls from the big blind.  The flop comes [JcJd9h] and the player in the small blind checks.  Woods bets 21,000, Chidwick calls, and the other player folds.

The two players check the [Kd] on the turn, then the river brings the [4h].  Woods bets 50,000 and Chidwick thinks a minute before calling.

Woods turns over [Qd10c] for a king-high straight.  Chidwick mucks and Woods takes the pot.

Barry Woods – 230,000 (46 BBs)
Stephen Chidwick – 245,000 (49 BBs)

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