Baris Topuz Slows Down Ilyas Unlu

Aug 23, 2024

Baris TopuzPhoto: Baris Topuz

Ilyas Unlu’s hot start to the day recently hit a speed bump in the form of tablemate Baris Topuz.

After opening to 1,200 from middle position, Unlu finds no less than three callers, including Topuz in the cutoff.

On the Heart ASpade QHeart 7 flop, action checks to Unlu who continues for 2,000. Topuz raises to 5,500 and only Unlu calls.

The turn brings the Heart 10 and the players check to the Diamond 9.

Unlu then check-calls a final 4,000 chip bet from Topuz to see his opponent show Club ASpade 7 for a flopped two pair which defeats Unlu’s Diamond ASpade J.

Baris Topuz – 65,000 (162 bb)
Ilyas Unlu – 94,000 (235 bb)

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