Baris Topuz Felts Iurii Zuev

Aug 23, 2024

Baris TopuzPhoto: Baris Topuz

Following a raise to 2,500 in early position by Baris Topuz and a subsequent call, Iurii Zuev moves in his last 14,600 which only gets called by Topuz.

Iurii Zuev: Heart 3Spade 3
Baris Topuz: Club JHeart J

The flop comes Diamond JHeart 6Heart 2 immediately giving Topuz a set of jacks. The turn Heart 4 gives Zuev some faint hope with a gutshot straight draw, but the river Club 4 fills up Topuz and sends Zuev to the rail.

Baris Topuz – 125,000 (104 bb)
Iurii Zuev – eliminated

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