Banas and Loeser Check Down Diamond-Filled Board

Feb 20, 2013

Manig Loeser, another player who has re-entered on Day 1B, opens the betting with a raise to 450 from early position. The next player folds but Elena Banas three-bets to 1,200. The action passes around to Loeser who calls.

The [Ah][Kd][Td] flop looks like it should generate action but both players check. The [2d] turn brings yet another diamond into play and Loeser checks his cards before checking the action to Banas. She too checks behind.

The [4d] puts a fourth diamond on the board but neither player wants to represent a flush and they both check.

Loeser: [Js][Jc]
Banas: [Qc][Qs]

Banas wins with her pair of queens.

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