Back-to-Back Queens for Ole Schemion

Jan 12, 2018

In the last hand of the previous level Ole Schemion picked up pocket queens in back-to-back hands and dispatched Kfir Ivgi, who put his hopes on ace-nine suited for a pair and a redraw. “But this time, there was no ace on the river,” Schemion joked. However, the German wonderkid is not the chip leader, as Gerald Karlic still holds that position.

Dominik Nitsche faces Thomas Muhlocker on his table and has not been able to spin up the short stack. In a recent hand, Eduardo Lopes Pereira defended his big blind and check-called a bet of 2,000 on the [Kc]Kc5h2d[/pc] flop. Nitsche then checked back the Heart 10 turn and Spade 9 river to see the Portuguese turn over the winning Spade KDiamond 5.

Gerald Karlic – 220,000
Ole Schemion – 185,000
Thomas Muhlocker – 78,000
Dominik Nitsche – 22,500

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