Ashley Hunt Eliminated in 2nd Place ($70,000); Michael Tureniec Newest WPTDS Champion ($105,000)

Oct 6, 2019

Micheal Tureniec

Just under 20 minutes into heads up, the last two players standing go all in. It began with a limp from Ashley Hunt and a check from Michael Tureniec preflop.

On a Spade 7Club 2Diamond 6 flop, they go all in. Tureniec has top pair with Diamond 7Club 3 and Hunt has an open-ended straight draw with Diamond 8Spade 5.

The Diamond 5 turn improves Hunt to a pair but Tureniec holds on the Heart 3 river. Congratulations go to Hunt for finishing as runner-up.

A full recap of the event will follow tomorrow here on

Michael Tureniec – 12,090,000
Ashley Hunt – Eliminated in 2nd place ($70,000)

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