Asa Smith Eliminated by Kwok Kit Chiu

Jan 24, 2024

Kwok Kit Chiu

A reraise to 2,500 is out in front of Pradeep Nudurumati and Drasko Boskovic calls. Asa Smith squeezes to 8,500 and Kwok Kit Chiu calls, Nurudumati folds and Boskovic calls.

The Heart JSpade 8Spade 5 flop is checked by Boskovic and Chiu bets 9,000 for both of his opponents to call.

Smith then jams the Diamond K turn and Chiu asks for a count, quickly calls when it is deemed to be for 32,500 total. Boskovic gets out of the way and the cards are turned over.

Asa Smith: ]pc]AcQh[/pc]
Kwok Kit Chiu: Spade ASpade Q

The river is the Spade 6 and Chiu hits the flush for the knockout.

Kwok Kit Chiu – 140,000 (467 bb)
Drasko Boskovic – 38,000 (127 bb)
Pradeep Nudurumati – 20,000 (67 bb)
Asa Smith – Eliminated

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