Artan Dedusha and Mario Ripepi Both Flop Huge, Creating New Chip Leader

Feb 22, 2020

Artan Dedusha

Artan Dedusha (UTG) and Mario Ripepi (cutoff) are looking at a Diamond 3Diamond QDiamond A flop with 500,000 in the middle. They both check and the dealer places a Heart 4 on the turn.

Dedusha takes the initiative and bets 300,000 and Ripepi comes along to see a Spade J river. Dedusha bets big this time – 805,000. Ripepi uses a time bank card and calls but finds he has lost despite having Spade ASpade Q for a flopped two pair, as Dedusha flopped a flush with Diamond 10Diamond 7.

Artan Dedusha – 3,000,000
Mario Ripepi – 630,000

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