Arsenii Karmatckii Cuts into Maor Zahragi's Growing Stack

Apr 12, 2024

Maor Zahragi was recently seen with one of the biggest stacks in the room, but a recent blind battle has taken a piece out of it.

A pot of 19,500 is in the middle with a board of Heart 9Club 5Spade 2 as Zahragi bets 6,000 from the small blind and gets called by Arsenii Karmatckii in the big blind.

The turn brings the Heart 3 and Zahragi now checks. Karmatckii pushes forward a green T-25,000 chip. Zahragi takes a minute before opting to fold and cede a rare pot.

Maor Zahragi – 399,000 (159 bb)
Arsenii Karmatckii – 120,000 (48 bb)

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