Arne Coulier Triples Up; Marcin Wydrowski With Big Stack

Mar 14, 2019


There is some uproar in the tournament area and several players are gathering around a three-way all in that includes WPT Champions Club member Marcin Wydrowski (left) and Arne Coulier (right).

Coulier is the shortest stack in the showdown with Spade AClub Q, Wydrowski has the Spade JDiamond J and the third player in the hand flips over Club AClub K. The board runs out Heart AClub JHeart 8Diamond KClub 10 and Coulier rivers an unlikely straight to triple up, while Wydrowski wins the bigger side pot.

Marcin Wydrowski – 370,000
Arne Coulier – 140,000

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