Ari Kumpumaki Eliminated by Huu Dung Nguyen

Jan 27, 2024

Ari Kumpumaki

In the last hand of the level on their table, Huu Dung Nguyen defends the big blind against a raise by Ari Kumpumaki. He then check-calls for 20,000 on the Heart KSpade 4Spade 3 flop and 40,000 on the Spade A turn.

Nguyen also checks the Club 9 river and Kumpumaki fires a third barrel for 75,000. Nguyen check-jams for 240,000 and the Finn calls with the slightly inferior stack.

Kumpumaki’s Heart 3Diamond 3 for a flopped set go down in flames as Nguyen’s Spade KSpade 2 hold the nut flush.

Huu Dung Nguyen – 625,000 (62 bb)
Ari Kumpumaki – Eliminated in 67th Place ($7,185)

Huu Dung Nguyen

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