Antoine Chalhou Snaps Off Zacharie Desautel

May 12, 2024

Zaid Attar raises to 5,500 under the gun and receives three callers before Zacharie Desautel three-bets to 35,000 in the big blind. Only Antoine Chalhou calls in the cutoff.

The flop comes Spade 6Spade KDiamond 6 and Desautel moves all in for 35,000. Chalhou snap-calls to put him at risk.

Zacharie Desautel: Club ASpade 7
Antoine Chalhou: Club KSpade 10

Chalhou is ahead with two pair as the board runs out Club 2Heart J to earn him the pot and send Desautel to the rail.

“Your bluff didn’t work,” Chalhou tells Desautel after the hand.

“You played as bad as you can play it. You’ll bust within five minutes,” Desautel shot back.

Antoine Chalhou- 180,000 (72 bb)
Zaid Attar- 130,000 (52 bb)
Zacharie Desautel- eliminated

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