Anthony Zinno Eliminated in 15th Place by Danny Marx

May 6, 2024

Anthony ZinnoPhoto:  Anthony Zinno

Anthony Zinno opens to 160,000, leaving only 110,000 behind and Danny Marx just calls to see a flop of Heart 7Diamond 2Spade K

Marx checks to Zinno, who dramatically announces that he is all in for his last 110,000, and Marx thinks for a few seconds. 

“I really don’t know what to do in this spot,” he chuckles, but winds up making the call to put Zinno at risk. 

Zinno then tables Diamond AClub 8 for ace-high, which is ahead of Marx’s Diamond JClub 4

Unfortunately for Zinno, the runout of Heart 2Diamond 4 gives Marx a pair of fours on the river to eliminate him. 

“Well, I always counted on running good,” Marx shrugged as he raked in the pot while Zinno exited in 15th place. 

Danny Marx – 2,250,000 (28 bb)
Anthony Zinno – Eliminated in 15th place ($26,500)

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