Anthony Zinno Doubles Thru Steven Miller

Feb 9, 2014

After a flop of [Ad10d6h], WPT Champions Club member Anthony Zinno checks the small blind, Steven Miller bets 15,000 from UTG+1, and Zinno check-raises to 33,000. Miller reraises to 66,000, and Zinno quickly four-bets all in for 99,100.

Miller slows down, asks for an exact count, and tanks for a couple of minutes.

Miller eventually calls, turning over [AsQd] for a pair of aces. But Zinno turns over [Ah10h] for top two pair, aces and tens. Zinno needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The turn is the [8c], the river is the [7d], and Zinno wins the pot with his two pair to double up in chips.

Anthony Zinno  –  215,000  (89 bb)
Steven Miller  –  132,000  (55 bb)

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