Anthony Moses Doubles Thru Esther Taylor-Brady

Apr 27, 2015

After a flop of Kdiamond9club6diamond, Jake Schindler checks the big blind, Esther Taylor-Brady bets 11,000 from the button, and Schindler checl-raises to 28,000. Taylor-Brady thinks for a bit before she folds.

The next hand, Taylor-Brady raises from the cutoff to 8,500, Anthony Moses moves all in from the big blind for 82,000, and Taylor-Brady calls with a slightly larger stack and turns over AspadeKheart. Moses shows QspadeQclub, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes 7heart3spade2spade5heart10diamond, and Moses wins the pot with his pocket queens to double up in chips and knock Taylor-Brady down to two big blinds.

Anthony Moses  –  174,000  (43 bb)
Esther Taylor-Brady  –  8,500  (2 bb)

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