Anthony Cierco Left Short; Ashish Ahuja Doubles

May 28, 2022

Quang Vu three-bet jams for 90,000 out of the big blind and Anthony Cierco calls with the covering stack as the initial raiser.

Quang Vu: Spade ASpade 4
Anthony Cierco: Club QDiamond Q

The Frenchman remains ahead with his pair on the Club KClub 5Spade 3 flop and Diamond 8 turn but the Spade 2 river improves Vu to the wheel for the double.

One hand later, Vu raises to 60,000 out of the small blind and Ashish Ahuja tank-calls all-in for the 50,000 he has behind in the big blind.

Ashish Ahuja: Club AHeart 5
Quang Vu: Club 9Heart 8

There is a massive sweat for the rail from India throughout the Heart QSpade 10Spade 4Heart 7Spade 2 board but Ahuja survives.

Quang Vu – 130,000
Ashish Ahuja – 106,000
Anthony Cierco – 35,000

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